night has fallen, just be my angel in the night , one day i will find another angel that will await my drop in like an alley cat loyal feline . that crawls in the city, to your door . i am realizing how much this boris vian's quote was perfectly said for me.
je n'ai pas a gagne ma vie , je l'ai ! completely. i possess the dreams i tend to lay awake in. and soon i will be again re-decorating myself an halo , a museum of margoz, a sweet sweet three and a half a minute away from the jean talon market. indian district and i will un-pack treasure i had forgotten i had, a computer, so i can drill my soul onto pages and pages of words... wisdom. and dare dare to be me and me and me ... i wil write for you and you and you and you i havn't met yet . . w.or.d.s. in the middle of a bath i call your name , in the middle of a dream i will be pouring some scotch-whyskey on the rocks ... and drink it in the shower, cold water to caress my skin ...
i will be able to wake up and feed myself some of my magigk potion ... chinese tea .... medicine of my own .... stretch my body to the sound of opera ... o jesus i am extatik ..... dreaming of this space ...... like i have been a lonesone dog . in need to create my own shelter .... soon soon soon ... it will be real .... like the sounds of your name in whispers my heart ..... i carry the emotions ... i want you to find me ... i am there waiting .. for you to find me .. my love ... my dearest love .,
we will be shadows in the sea .. side .. watching the stars ...
i am alive . and i will find someone to give me a reason for lust ( angels of light )
sincerely yours .. jami y
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
soon i will be a quarter O century !
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
10:13 PM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
july i awated y.o.u.
june still. i can see an end to this era of couch surfin my way all over this city ( montreal). i am soon to get my flat . a three and a half. in the indian village . i just got back from toronto. it ws queer*down*weekend. all good , some crushes i tought would have happen towards my way , but not , instead i met new people, i finally met some i had been in touch, in words before. i find it crazy this ability i have to imagine relationship everywhere, and i am O so glad i am being true to all the people i would like to fall for more then friend... ship .. with . i am please right now , i consider myself so fucking happy with the friends i have all over .. some knows me a little , some have known me .. in crazy sad or delirious ... .peacefulll and calm i actuallly fell right now . . i am a going to be a controversial coming of age type of woman. the king of girl, that loves still to beleive i am neither a girl nor a man , . i am a bOy .. and hell of a grand woman. . gender what so ever, i am one of these excited to turn into a quarter of century.... soon ... in 18 days or so i'll be 25 years old..... i will make it all the way up to there . and O jesus ...god knows what i have been through . i am alive . and i am excited to do some kind of setling down .
margo is gonna get an appartment, i have finally found a job that let me be a freakin' wel'so'fare'i do love to suck at the government's money... it's there ... i am one of those that loves society ,. fuck those punk pretend to be anarchY and complaning all day long about society and tra la lala lal .. society IS .. and you are wiser if you know how to play with it ...
we actually are surroundede by a painting alive of so many fuck top tools , all we need to do ... is learn which ones of these tools .. you are willling to use them , try 'em, masturbate reality with the tools that have been given to me .
i am a ninja, a cowboy, and a gentle lady , o i willl hold the door for you my love . if you show me better then what i have discovered ... or you know what . maybe alll i want is to find someone that will ask me out ... invite the boy standing at the altar , seduce thhe girl alone ... in need of romance .. in need of a story , told , in rolls of film ,,, strip down the core of someone' else ;s reality ... so i forget about mine . just foor one night .... and after that feature . so confort we willl find each other, in the warm and soft n spot of each other's arms.....
after another weekend going round and round in society .. .. l.o.v.e. is in the shades of my eyes, love is underneath the surface of my skin... this friend of mine . Brescia .. took a needle . and stick and poke ... ink .. ink . again going under sweet so of my left arm .. little . gentle .
tattoo ................................. result . a heart . le coeur a l'envers , comme une phrase se perd a la mer .
in the ocean black . in the ocean blue .. i am . you are ... the waves are so wide .. i havn't found you yet .. my love ..
your name i cannot whisper to the moon .. we havn't met each other yet , my l.o.v.e. .. my name Marijo St-Amour
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
9:40 PM
july i awated y.o.u.
june still. i can see an end to this era of couch surfin my way all over this city ( montreal). i am soon to get my flat . a three and a half. in the indian village . i just got back from toronto. it ws queer*down*weekend. all good , some crushes i tought would have happen towards my way , but not , instead i met new people, i finally met some i had been in touch, in words before. i find it crazy this ability i have to imagine relationship everywhere, and i am O so glad i am being true to all the people i would like to fall for more then friend... ship .. with . i am please right now , i consider myself so fucking happy with the friends i have all over .. some knows me a little , some have known me .. in crazy sad or delirious ... .peacefulll and calm i actuallly fell right now . . i am a going to be a controversial coming of age type of woman. the king of girl, that loves still to beleive i am neither a girl nor a man , . i am a bOy .. and hell of a grand woman. . gender what so ever, i am one of these excited to turn into a quarter of century.... soon ... in 18 days or so i'll be 25 years old..... i will make it all the way up to there . and O jesus ...god knows what i have been through . i am alive . and i am excited to do some kind of setling down .
margo is gonna get an appartment, i have finally found a job that let me be a freakin' wel'so'fare'i do love to suck at the government's money... it's there ... i am one of those that loves society ,. fuck those punk pretend to be anarchY and complaning all day long about society and tra la lala lal .. society IS .. and you are wiser if you know how to play with it ...
we actually are surroundede by a painting alive of so many fuck top tools , all we need to do ... is learn which ones of these tools .. you are willling to use them , try 'em, masturbate reality with the tools that have been given to me .
i am a ninja, a cowboy, and a gentle lady , o i willl hold the door for you my love . if you show me better then what i have discovered ... or you know what . maybe alll i want is to find someone that will ask me out ... invite the boy standing at the altar , seduce thhe girl alone ... in need of romance .. in need of a story , told , in rolls of film ,,, strip down the core of someone' else ;s reality ... so i forget about mine . just foor one night .... and after that feature . so confort we willl find each other, in the warm and soft n spot of each other's arms.....
after another weekend going round and round in society .. .. l.o.v.e. is in the shades of my eyes, love is underneath the surface of my skin... this friend of mine . Brescia .. took a needle . and stick and poke ... ink .. ink . again going under sweet so of my left arm .. little . gentle .
tattoo ................................. result . a heart . le coeur a l'envers , comme une phrase se perd a la mer .
in the ocean black . in the ocean blue .. i am . you are ... the waves are so wide .. i havn't found you yet .. my love ..
your name i cannot whisper to the moon .. we havn't met each other yet , my l.o.v.e. .. my name Marijo St-Amour
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
9:40 PM
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
magick for cancer tropic
dear night. ! i truly love you .. i ackonledge a long time ago you are one i can whisper those words in your way.
i can write more then you ever tought you could wish for. but this time i will write for me and only me .i live it..
sitting at casa del popolo. scotch whyskey and i am able to just sit randomly outside. it's all good. those punkster drunken people sitting right next to me. and i am the one free . of course i couldn't stay at meaghan'shouse ! and sleep right away. i'd rather get high and drink more whyskees. and write myself.. no matter what comes out. i will only have this one thing to do. write my way out of the crowd.
O and i'm a pirate. i ra my bike so fast to Tom's house , so i can put on my spiderweb shirt, and in this house people are sleepy. me. a true alley cat, and i don't care where i fucking am i have a boy to steal a penfrom. . and then i can write my soul, my sex , my hands have no one to touch tonight so they rather travel like this intense built-up. you know when you want to come but you want to keep the heat for such a long run. . sexing the cherries. without even touching myself. . you can do it . all you neeed is to beleive. i want to beleive inyou .. j....d....s
THE CURE . ( even tough i wanna kidnap you to go see a nin show) ... i wanne runaway with you, i know know
it can seem hard, when you had tought you wanted , could party with the same people you do in this city .
but, please, i am also lost and lonely, and i have this gifted instinct.. called crazyness for a god reason. , i am trying to be true to you , to be honest to you even if i don't know a single clue about you .
but hear my voices, they fall like waves in blue on the paper when i am suppose to be sleeping i cannOt .
i'd rather keep my eyes, sleepy but alive. i think it's adrenaline i know how to create soft and natural potions of adrenaline. for you and me .
and i want you to say yes. it's easy , it's crazy. but i wish i could give you no choice. . but i praise the stars.
tonight i am so alone, and i want to be alone. i want to run away wth you for one weekend in a car ... DIDI said you can drive. i think i wanna play . hole in the car. the cure.... in a bad radio. we shall not care .
i will never fall away, i will always want to show you how we can pray .
we havn't even got together, but i do .. know we could fly away and be . true / i wanna meet someone that show me . honesty . and i'll show them what inetnsity and love is all about , in alevel of surreality .
where the childrens are old ... and they still bring it on to the c.o.r.e. of their dreams . i want to dreams
dreams . in myself . i want someone to mirrored into my shYli. her dreams .
and make lifes turns into a real true sinema . where everything is right . and there is no ned of reality .
i will not let you fall down my friend. if for this one weekend you wanna be my. love...
i am an Altar boy .. for you to beleive ... this morning i cancelled in a stress release all of my gavernemnet is appointment ... i biked to my dearest friend lady pirate .. her name is shawnda.. she is another angel of ligt that holds inside the most complete of all colors you could dream you even had it in your eye s,.. .
this color is B.L.A.c.K..... and us... the pirates.. sometimes we twist our inner knife. inside our heart .. .like a play game .. only magicians can handle... but we twist the fine fine blade .. into our own ... infinite SELF.
we have trashed down .. boundaries in thhe world that you think you see eveydya ..
me .. me and my friends .... we sometimes ... when you are in bed ... trying to dreams .. .
we are dancing romantic tango .... with the moonlight .. standing straight in perfect luscious body motions...
on top of fences ..... with silver steel inter- twined.. like the wires they put so high to protect .. the mad man of cities ... no one will ever be able to even suck at our tinted toes.... my friend .. the lasy pirate.. the angelm that feeds me chocolate in the morning .. her toes are tinted red ... the color of passions..... sometimes our bodies are ... bruise... d .... and colored .. by sun light ... but .. we know tricks..... from the oldest ....... preachers .. the animals in land ... have been given us powers to .... touch our red tinted toed together... just .. to grow stronger then trains..... except we are magick dancers ... dancers on top of broken silver fences....
one of us is going to the sea.... to the ocean black ... where you see .... blue..... underneath ... so deep ...
the only colors that lives ..... for ever .. is B.L.A.C.K.....
i love you my friend......... and i will keep on ... stoping in morning fresh dew.... with chinesse. potion.
to warm up your blood ... so our hearts stays red .. and glorious... give me my sin . i'll take it again...
my name is marijo st-amour.. one they i'll find someone to call me my love... then my name
will also be . jami Y
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
8:38 AM