........ passion needs patience.....
the feelings i have left for you i refuse to let go
your silences inside me are sounds of melancholy
si mon regard condamnee a ne plus jamais se confondre en toi
il existe en mes reves un ocean noir, profond..
l'ou mon coeur s'eteindra, cet amourj'emporte avec moi.
a jamais. ''
the title in big letter... serenade tragique
later, aftre what could have been an hour i just can't remember. why would i... i am starting to love the sounds my dear erin makes, sewing machine in broken ride of midnight production. sh elet me stay, somekind of silent body with a mind so add i search the screen for all i can take really on love's history, the drama it's all shit in the end, i can't even find a true revelation, what do i care about wikipedia's definition of passion, words tell you only so much, the best and deepest is when comes the feeling, stronger then drugs, le syndrome de l'amour cingle est d'autant plus stable. stays and stays, even when you go down it follows you deep..
i have stopped my words for a moment, and later i sit back, and o music, all i could think of was this simple song i wanna hear, and i realize that the hours i just spend reading loving theory and whatever other bullshit story is nothing compare to how i feel when i listen to this song, the way words are moved together . i am lost but then remember it happens in dreams you can't keep or truth when the day turns into twilight and you are king in the arms of the girl you look at begging her to lay on you the spell you craved for... hungry for lust. images in movements intertwined.. i do not like that word but for now it's all i got.. i am still french.
fuck i love music, but if you intend to keep on reading my toughts, you have to hear tonight's melody of my heart.
ladies and gentlemens my time is over. no more playing on the computer. children go to bed. but i can't i am too scared. i'd rather hang in there.
here goes my song....
''I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight
I've never seen you shine so bright
I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance
They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance
I have never seen that dress you're wearing
Or the highlights in your head that catch your eyes I have been blind
The lady in red is dancing with me cheek to cheek
There's nobody here, it's just you and me, It's where I wanna be
But I hardly know this beauty by my side
I'll never for get, the way you look tonight
I've never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight
I've never seen you shine so bright you were amazing
I've never seen so many people want to be there by your side
And when you turned to me and smiled, It took my breath away
I have never had such a feeling
Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight
The way you look tonight
I never will forget, the way you look tonight
The lady in red
The lady in red
The lady in red
My lady in red (I love you.) '''
i tought the next girl i go on a date with i should play her that song, and if she can handle that, she can have me.
a sigh mais quel tristesse s'arrette ici ce qui aurait pu s'averer une avalanches de mots.. but my time has been counted, and in within a couple seconds i'll be history... it's four thirty and the sand man is fucking pissed at me.... seriously .
Saturday, October 06, 2007
lady in red
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
9:03 PM
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Margo- you asked me to comment on your blog pieces when i read them, so i will. Normally, i might prefer to lurk anonymously, but a request is a request and since it's you who's doing all of the writing, i must oblige.
So, in getting down to business, i must admit that i have always found the written word to be amelodic, voiceless, mute. How ironic i found it that "lady in red" is all about sound - the silence manifesting in sounds of melancholy, le serenade imprimé sur le page (et sur le peau), when words only tell you so much. Isn't it amazing how the music becomes the embodiment of thoughts and feelings, lying in passive accompaniment.
With this, the lyrics are written out. Cheesy lyrics that seem to not make much sense without the melody. And there it is, a message that perhaps only you (and others who have heard the song, perhaps) will get.
The incommunicability of sound..
i liked it very much. Thank you for sharing it with me.
yes .. why is it emma.. i got confuse.. so are you saying that you like the lady in red lyrics or just the text it whole self.. leave yur e-mail..margo
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