regardez.. dehors.. il neige...
je me nomme vlad st-amour. je suis toujours en vie.. il y a une de ces chansons que je n'ose chanter qu'avec moi... noel c'est l'amour , c;est la plus belle saison..
im all set cuz i am a loup-garou who still look .like a puppy ..
a real sweet sweet puppy ... so know one will know .
how thirstly i get hungry for whyskey . and more. tomorrow. is my mother's birthday .
one name . lucie. in the morning . i will pick you up my beloved lucy .
we'll go for une marche tres lente , langoureuse mes traces dans la neige.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
8:12 AM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
rainy day tasted scotch but honey .
i dream of apple pie exactly like the one kerouac described in his books, always ice cream. don't forget the ice cream... i'm gonna loose my job soon but i feel like i shouldn't care . the pockets might care when they'll be empty of money but maybe you'll put your hands in there and i won't care no more if i ever had money . we'll make so much ginger cookie in little body shape to feed our belly. i am home. alone but it's o.k. it's getting way more then o.k when i do laundry,when i make coffee, when i drink scotch-whyskey.. in the middle of the day spare the hours before i have to ride in the wet-street.. parc down t'll i walk into mexican sharks, they won't eat me.. they'll feed me . what a lovely surreality .. i'd rather see clear. my glasses are clean, i see more sparkles in every colors the way perfect sinema feels like... i can't touch my body. because it's bleeding. but i want too.. for once i want to touch someone else then you . you you ... me and i.. are finally listening tothe music that most suited me. a long time ago but it will last forever.. angels of light .. to believe i am beautiful. i want no jealousy. i want sucreries... ok .. my words got cut .. for a reason.. for the melody you voice makes in my eyes.. i... am .. falling .. falling .. no i won't hurt my knee. i'll fall into cotton blacl candy tasting cloud... ... love.. is not a word.. love is life .. life show you that passions exist .. when i'm melting in my chair... drunken with the sound of your name .. all over my lips... they are red and i just bite at my silver toungue.... comecome come come come come coem .. to me.. i won't scream hard enough to brake mirrors.. i want then sharp to reflect us . in real.. visionary. only ghost have no shadows.. i am life.... aware in divine scenery.drunkenly.. thirsty 8 days is no more sounds like infinity. will you .love. me..
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
12:36 PM
i want the angel.. by jim carroll
I want the angel
Whose dreams are fatal
They cause the snake's milk to run and curdle
I want the angel
Whose darkness doubles
It absorbs the brilliance of all my troubles
I want the angel
That will not shatter
Every time I whisper, "Girl it does not matter"
I want the angel
Who's got the proof
She signals her devotion from the rails on the roof
I want the angel
That comes to stay
She don't let lawyers and ambition lead her away
I want the angel
Whose eyes are raving
Who takes what I'm giving and not what I'm saving
I want the angel
Whose bones are so sharp
That they can break through their own excuses
Well, to be a blind man,
Hey, that would be a fine thing
Then I could dream at night of total strangers
And all the music would be so spaceless
And all the women would be so faceless,
They'd be so faceless they'd be like old film
Just like old film I never did process
I want the angel
That knows the sky
She got virtue, she got the parallel light in her eye
I want the angel
That's partly lame
She filters clarity from her desperate shame
I want the angel
That knows rejection
Who's like a whore in love with her own reflection
I want the angel
Whose touch don't miss
When the blood comes through the dropper like a thick red kiss
If I could break through I could be certain
But this obsession is like some fiery curtain
All the numbers reduced to zero
And those who died young, they are my heroes
They are my heroes, they took the walk
Where the heart made sense and the mind can't talk
I want the angel
Whose child don't weep
She's got dreams designed for eternal sleep
I want the angel
That will not change
Into a four-legged monster in love with the strange
I want the angel
That never chooses
And don't come running back every time she loses
But I want the angel that never loses
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
10:41 AM
Saturday, December 09, 2006
now .. just just now..
montreal.. you are like this addiction i wanna leave sometimes.. but you have became such an easy sin to cover all.... i feel you in my skin.. you are a cheap but delightful i consume of you .. and i'm redeem over our relations. suit me and i'll suit you like the perfect silk dress in july .. i'l stay here t'll july .. i'll leave you sometimes.. because you drive me crazy .. i find myself wherever i go .. but when i stay .. then.. i can't lie.. you mirrored me all over brick walls no onetoughts they were crystal.. see through.... but fuck there is s much details in the sand. in silver sand .. i wish we i could find more gold and turn it into money . less work,,,, more more for you and me .. .
i .
i . more then the city
there is you .. and i am being honest like a child who have stolen too much candy blushes with no reasons. i let you know of everything.
and i hope that's o.k. je n'ai de comptes a rendre pour personne. mais j'ose te parler.. en ecrit si calme about this reality .. te dire ces choses qui me sont nouvelles.. nouvelles de l'au dela but i am alive.. so alive.. there will be sparles like gunshot to hurt no one when i see you . . . . . sometimes your body meets another story that would look good in a fashionable magazine.. but i don't read nomore these fashion magazine... i told you before.. i like old ancient poetry . in times where lovers would surrender . their toughts dripping in perfect copper ink. all over the paper... redemption become peace . rain cleans my history . and rust is now beautiful on the fences that protects my body ... until your rain drop in my reality . i wake up and i'm fine .. with my dreamings on my mind.. and it takes no time for the devil to wrap me in his feather of silvery .. but he loves me... and i'm an angel .
an angel of light .. let me go .. where no one know .. and i'll find you there ..
there where the wind blow.. and i'll be your shadow... still wanting to touch you.
Brumes et pluies
Ô fins d'automne, hivers, printemps trempés de boue,
Endormeuses saisons! je vous aime et vous loue
D'envelopper ainsi mon coeur et mon cerveau
D'un linceul vaporeux et d'un vague tombeau.
Dans cette grande plaine où l'autan froid se joue,
Où par les longues nuits la girouette s'enroue,
Mon âme mieux qu'au temps du tiède renouveau
Ouvrira largement ses ailes de corbeau.
Rien n'est plus doux au coeur plein de choses funèbres,
Et sur qui dès longtemps descendent les frimas,
Ô blafardes saisons, reines de nos climats,
Que l'aspect permanent de vos pâles ténèbres,
— Si ce n'est, par un soir sans lune, deux à deux,
D'endormir la douleur sur un lit hasardeux.
— Charles Baudelaire
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
10:49 AM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
judy ... el siept of deciembre.
jezuuuuzz.. have merci o que oui.. j'ai osee negligee mes ecrits, mes oublies.. i've spended so much movements, on the keyboards for you and you and you ... and it's o.k. i regret nothing. but i havn't taken the time to write for me.. me mm eme me mememe em . and tonight there was no riding for me, flats on my bi-(ice)cycle the bus becomes a truly rest for thinking , dreaming, creating photos with my eyes, in movements while waiting for cold-shot in burning lights... there will always be whyskey to surround me. o lovely. again i was piss on this no-one yet have invented the type-writing process ink from my delirious thinking in an outside warning, no more walking , just thinking, so fast my body is broken over, my mind is still on fire. i swear to god my life wouldn't that be easier if all i'ever tought so could drop so.. on the paper without me having to actually stay more and more awake... insomniak.... i am like an alley dog sniffing changes in the future.. i almost tought i would get lazy in my formal dishwashing job right by my house.. and all is right by my house.. but i am a cowboy, remember so i willl soon hop back into horses and fuck off my home just in time before this society starts to search again for me ... i'll pay off my sin, not my debts i said my sin they are sweeter like honey on my toungue, let me suck it all down ... once again. there is nowhere to find me. this city have vanished it's coffee they don't allow me to smoke no more... i am a pulmonaire's cloudy lover in need of more dust where i can hide my love like a spider-web i'll grow it from the tip of my fingers all over your walls. but you will not be afraid .. trust me... i intend to be a good boy so santa will come visit me. and we can be flakes in the snow fall... i'll build a fire inside . our shelter .. smells of ginger .. i like it when you write me .the word is honey
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
11:20 PM
Saturday, December 02, 2006
what's up with typing and smoking... tha's me in front of the computer.. coffee and whyskey ....arrgghh days r full of ice.. i ended up downtown not enough money to get back home, but o so perfect my friend miggan lives there.. so i dropped by . her and a bunch of frantic girls in need to hit the bars left .. im so glad i get to stay here .. in her empty flat, where i can shower then write . sit alone .outside .look . more rain to fall.. fall. over the city .. and in .. morrows i'll be walking slowly again, back to my work in the mexican kitchen, steps-foot. dreaming of movements and pillows .. and yeah '' i dream sometimes a little too much i could just have someone to come home to, someone waiting for me , so i would have more then a reason to come along in a place i still call home.. something like a road my feet could follow .
au travers de la nuit ... i walk n .. .. hollow...
there is always the space, the waiting for another vampire moon scalling...
( it' s memory lane from songs. ) waiting for me... i have such bad shoes to wander in the nights..
i would have probably made more sense in the times where Rimbaud use to walk on tables au dela de tres chere poete indigeres ..
i still know how to pray .. i have left in the snow , a child just like me ... to walk slowly .. like un enfant esseule.. a forsaken child.. i love this word. ( esseulee) an older woman i use to work with had a cd , incredible music ... and the album is called like that ///l'enfant esseulee.. she tried to pushed me so hard into making this freaking movie i should be doing .. but it's more complicated then that... the movie is me.. and to live is another story ....
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
12:23 AM
Monday, November 27, 2006
icing purple room
i'm here, just by your side...if you would see the look in my eyes then you would know there is nothing scary with me. jami's watching you dream, and you told me the dreams you dive into should be sweeter. but lady i have to tell you none of us are strong enough to control the wishes of morphee. but as we care,i'll still be there when you wake up. i want to hold you, je t'attendrai, et comme la lune brillera, indochine is playing, low but i still fear it's too loud. i slept most of the day you were gone, the cats depressed and i, dreaming,i don't remember my sleep, myself... was i truly awake. am i alive just just now... all that matters is your sleep. and i lay conscience in silence. eyes open , i refuse to reflect only the lights so bright of the computer. i'd rather reflect the purple shadows are white in shines so slow just on the edge. you have darkskin and i also do. we come from a planet playground with giant orange structure to climb on. white sands we walk not. all we do is climb up the....
climb up higher on electrical wire . live forwards the day.
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
5:36 PM
Monday, November 20, 2006
the days i think about you .....
the days i do, everything is still me dead. hopelessly romantic in lonely lands... i don't wanna clean my home, i chain smoke writing all day, ashes falling all over me..i wanna lay in deep bathtub, drunken me with music as loud as my thinking goes. i know you do not have the green eyes.. but i dream of it anyway. i don't think i am in love . i am thirsty, hungry .. i stand inside on a rock trying to see further, but all i see is colors dead of an autumn falling away. one weekend and you dared to leave me enough fragments to torture me in perfect play, we are sweeter then a crosswords puzzles.. i've found caveman writing about love in language so old i took a night time to recover their feelings... but love is immortal, has been and wil be.. i am not writing a protest but an act of life and i'd kill for it to be
too many days where i hide inside, no fear only too lame to face the cold .. but you know i would run in the snow to see how it feels to see you again. i cannot even send you all the words i know too well talking in love's proses, you want none of this bullshit, you want verses of reality.. and i see fairy dressed in black with bloody eyes, visiting my bed every night i tried to sleep. you belong there, there is far for a broken me... like money have ever stopped me , i know better then that .
too much time inside and i see fog, but i like the word mist ... cloud in my goddamn windows. no skylight.. no more of the moon reflecting in my eyes. no more shooting star only cloud and if they could be black, everything but grey ... soon my eyes i will have to paint them black. do you have a clue how much i wanna run away with you.
where i do not care, i wish you would ask me like no one do these things anymore.. head shots.. and fuck know si am good at that . but i am tired of choosing , even thinking about where to go, where to belong. i belong with someone better then somethings, 25 years with myself, 'es una vita' but they say life goes longer then that. somewhen someone forgot to teach me of individuality, then i learn better of duality, battling my own self is over, i redeem, and no regrets , i still do wrong and i still do good. but i am blase in too many days. what about this eternal coffee, where i could smoke for a quarter life and never choke. i feed myself from th elook in your eyes.. and i breathe low whenever you feel down, and i hold my breath whenever you cry too much, scared of i could dye, you laugh and whisper the tears are over. i smile.
i smile
i still smile.. i do.. you, beautiful ghost to keep me awake even when i, alone needing to hide under layers to keep me warm. but i want cold, my blood is boiling, but reaches my heart , the skin is lacking .. my ears cold.. no wind. waterfall.. inside. but i want it to poor all over the streets i need to go through if i could see you . you are alive. i am too scared of being haunted again to let you go. i won't. if you are scared then i will be too...
by Edgar Allan Poe
So sweet the hour, so calm the time,
I feel it more than half a crime,
When Nature sleeps and stars are mute,
To mar the silence ev'n with lute.
At rest on ocean's brilliant dyes
An image of Elysium lies:
Seven Pleiades entranced in Heaven,
Form in the deep another seven:
Endymion nodding from above
Sees in the sea a second love.
Within the valleys dim and brown,
And on the spectral mountain's crown,
The wearied light is dying down,
And earth, and stars, and sea, and sky
Are redolent of sleep, as I
Am redolent of thee and thine
Enthralling love, my Adeline.
But list, O list,- so soft and low
Thy lover's voice tonight shall flow,
That, scarce awake, thy soul shall deem
My words the music of a dream.
Thus, while no single sound too rude
Upon thy slumber shall intrude,
Our thoughts, our souls- O God above!
In every deed shall mingle, love.
serenade is the word i adore.
the night is falling, i listen to many serenade, but i am not ready for my own.
i want to taste the paradise of lost soul, those that fills up the holes. but i have to resist and feel the holes empty... i fear emptyness more then i fear death.
Anais Nin says' i live in a beautiful prison which i can only escape by writing''
i would survive in jail. i am obsess with the images of jail these days, do i feel like a criminal. at 16 yrs old i use to say i wanted to be a serial lover.. therefore love is much more killer then any men could ever harakiri is own self.
love to red, red to the color of blood . bleeding to death. but it is perhaps the wrong color, cuz your life is worthless is you leave it without loving and loving first. then le vent l'emportera, au loin where only heart can see. blind you must be if you forget how little you are . and the ocean could have swallowed you many times. you are none of a survivor, you are forgiven, that's al , that's it for now...
i am aware today
so much i look so serious
when i read you , i smile.
i think it's beautiful
( i know you know )
we study. i am a tender( fragile) subject and you are art i havn't met . yet.
we are unbreakable fragile.
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
12:45 PM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
dear friend. i still talk to my ownself.
mornings are late .. the best i can afford right now is to sleep .. until i get to work. and even there it all feels like a big dream.. i would rather be gone far where the dreams have flavours, where you can touch them, where they make you cry , where everything feels a lot more real. i wanna survive instead of just hiding . i wanna struggle with my whole body, instead of thinking and thinking, i want people to take my love because it's to o much for me alone. the music becomes too intense on morning lie this ... i gave a tittle to this text , the words are not for my old friend, the girl i will always love , but the feeling i had just when i awoke was for you . i have been hiding, avoiding to see you , not because i dont mis syou , but because i feel so bad i havnt give you back whatbelongs to you .. i really want to. but i can be a bastard of premium grades when i party , and i burn in flames everything that surrounds me.
now again and again i have 3 weeks to give more money away to the government , for a film i refuse to make right now. Jonathan say it's o.k. i have a whole year. i hate thinking about the years to come. it's not really moving to see myself in here right now, just before all goes into frozen land. after magikal weekend everyting is low. the coffee is true company. and you are still here alone, chain-smoking... you are thinking of moving, but it's only half-making sense. when i look arround i do know i am not the only one, struggling but it feels like i'm seeing without my glasses.
' if i should dye right now, i would not feel , cuz i have never feel completeness. .. (..) i wanna love you t'll the seas are dry. t'll i dye"" this is not from me, but i can feel it anyway . it;s a crazy feeling you get when you search in between all of this human race. when all you want is love and you forget about your ownself...
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
11:26 AM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
'i'll be seeing you ' b.h.
night... we don't really know no more when night fall... less sunshine, it suits me for now ...
winter's coming and i feel like it's gonna be l'opposee en entier venu juste pour moi.. l'oppose de l'an dernier ( last winter ) non pas pour me consoler mais pour m'ensorceler. that's all... i know i spended the last summer complaining about all, this city, the people i knew but never saw, my ownself. all. and now there is this thing in the air, i feel emotional but not overwhelm. there is .... you . rain fall. but i am blind, soon i'll be snow fall and we will discover hotter then no one knows... like the kind of sugar , i , can only taste so much without being fed.... i am just realizing, feeling inside that none of the fucking food i ate feeds me more then the vision of you ... and i am starving , left strangly wordless...
now what .. right when i wannawrite more.. i get a call from downstairs .. i'll go .. away but not far ... i have praise inside for the nights i have left awaiting for the day i'll be haunted again
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
7:11 PM
Thursday, November 02, 2006
inside playground
''Ordinary life does not interest me. I seek only the high moments. I am in accord with the surrealists, searching for the marvelous.'' Anais Nin .
lately, i could say i do research, i write always but since it is pretty fuking rare i'' receive real letter. it's sweet in my head to write about others. i sended a poem from beaudelaire to this person i really like. she liked the note and the poem, i get excited and happy with certain little thing, that might seem little, but it meant all to me .. all to me for this week in one half-page.. sending this message was my kind a gambling in an honest way, you send a part of you , you try to choose the good one, the one where the answers comes back to you, play the cards , but play'em well. pretend just to see that you havn't forgot how to play good... tonight is gonna last forever, i fear it .. but apparently fear is good sometimes... so i'll let it be .
i dream i could just knock out and be sleeping already . but i am bad at this game.
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
11:31 PM
Sunday, October 29, 2006
je suis margoooo... there was no photo of me here , so i found this one. its halloween for long . i adore this face of mine, i wish i could wear those colors more often. alter-egos you shall not forget about. i dream of more people with face as insane as this one. no need of reality . but you have to create time like this.
it's sunday, a real day off, where you wish you could be more busy. you could be, there is just no strenght in my legs, my mind is quiet but too much circles in it , floathing in between clouds. and i blow circles with cigarettes, more cigarettes, ate good food. drink red wine.. music. i want to converse with someone interresting. i am in denial with the great ghost that lives in my house, i tried to read in order to avoid them. but things are slow today, nothing last, you cook yourself diner but too soon it's over, the minutes are riding the clock in reverse psychology, making the ours more empty. but you did a lot. you want more. sometimes it feels so good to do such little things. but right now i want interraction, with someone. listen, watch, even spy in a lovely way. i could listen to you play guitar. i could get drunk but that wouldn't change thing, i rarely loose my senses. no matter how far i try to get out of my mind, ill always be one with it. i want tomorrow to come, but falling asleep is outta question, i need something, i truly wish i was more obsess with masturbation, at least that would gimme plenty to do, all alone. but i am almost way too romantic to succeed in this one. i fear the bathtub because the air all arround is cold and blue. too much white . not enough deep. you wanna drown in . so i wait . for i don't know what . for myself to get tired. for pulp fiction to play on the television.
tomorrow will come. maybe i'll be warmer. stronger.
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
3:50 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
stay home.
good god.. another party i am gonna miss, but i should not care , i wanna go, run the door and ride there even if it's already two in the morning, hello, it's not worth it .. stay .. sleep alone with your friendly ghost . trust them so far they have been great company ... no nightmares. and i am way too stubborn to go out without face paint, i don't like cheap costumes, fuck i wish i had movie watching facility cuz that would facilitate my life alright. it's the only way i can get off thinking about my life. and on top of it i am picky as hell. calmdown, see you are even getting too awake, learn to listen to your body's whispers of ''hey i am tired'' sleep still. you have more to come. nights out on monday , tuesday and so be it .... there is someone you wanna see on monday ... because lord knows how many strange people i met lately, not that they were freaks , i am the freaks, they were just not the type of people i usually meet or get along with ... whoknows i have been an accessible social butter-fucking-fly. for a difference. but the coming back home, and re-runs of my nights have been the strange part, thinking of what i want , because i have an idea really ,and thinking of what happens. a river runs in between these two. so stay aware. but i don't feel like i need any awareness alone home. not much can happen to me . that's why we all go out, to see what will happen. but tonight i'll never know what could have possibly happen to me ... o well. something happn to somebody else. i wish i could know which one of my friends are home alone right now, comfortable, istening to music, i could play magick and appear at their side with the little bit of wine i have left. and perhaps we could fall asleep in each other's arms.. it's been too long since that happen to me ... even my pillows are no more fun to cuddle with .... o sweet romance have you forsaken me... i tought i knew how to pray. praise for you . but maybe i am getting stronger in the cold , getting ready like the wild wolf awaiting frozen days ....
i am truly getting obsess with wolf..... i have to stop writing before i start to make less and less sense
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
10:46 PM
Friday, October 27, 2006
sing me a song
Rid of me
Tie yourself to me
No one else, no
You're not rid of me
You're not rid of me
Night and day I breathe
Hah hah ay hey
You're not rid of me
Yeah you're not rid of me
Yeah you're not rid of me
Yeah you're not rid of me
I beg you my darling
Don't leave me
I'm hurting
Lick my legs I'm on fire
Lick my legs of desire
I'll tie your legs
Keep you against my chest
Oh you're not rid of me
Yeah you're not rid of me
I'll make you lick my injuries
I'm gonna twist your head off, see
Till you say don't you wish you never never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never never met her
I beg you my darling
Don't leave me
I'm hurting
I've been lonely
Above everything
Above every day
I'm hurting
Lick my legs I'm on fire
Lick my legs of desire
Lick my legs I'm on fire
Lick my legs of desire
Yeah you're not rid of me
Yeah you're not rid of me
I'll make you lick my injuries
I'm gonna twist your head off, see
Till you say don't you wish you never never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never never met her
Don't you don't you wish you never never met her
(Lick my legs I'm on fire)
Don't you don't you wish you never never met her
(Lick my legs of desire)
Don't you don't you wish you never never met her
(Lick my legs I'm on fire)
Don't you don't you wish you never never met her
(Lick my legs of desire)
Don't you don't you wish you never never met her
(Lick my legs I'm on fire)
Don't you don't you wish you never never met her
(Lick my legs of desire)
Don't you don't you wish you never never met her
(Lick my legs I'm on fire)
Don't you don't you wish you never never met her
(Lick my legs of desire)
Lick my legs I'm on fire
Lick my legs of desire
Lick my legs I'm on fire
Lick my legs of desire
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
10:47 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
post in the name of the past
too bad for your eyes, i had a long night out in a bar i feel like i was born into. you see the past never truly leaves me. je suis condamnee. pour l'eternite. live in the now. no tomorrows might be easy . secure i know it'll be on time . but today and the day before i had homeworks. and it's just the begining of a dive through my sad still if it felt like love, sad goes pretty fucking beautiful in scars and ribbons. i present you a tiny little bit of my past ....
i spended all night handwriting on real paper, god it is only sexier... so that's why ... your eyes gets only to spy into my past ...
(believe in fiction, apparently it hurt less)
Morning,it is so true that i don't need to force myself,i have more beautiful writing in the morning when jonathan plays this song ...( like a serenade)
Morning ... Today is the day that i dream of you , but mostly i should dream of things more probable like Bleoo coming to my door , at the most unexpected time. Bruised neck i killed that men if there is one in between us, what more can i do .i hurt him down. to our perfect graves, where i want us to stay . when maybe one day we will meet again, And i might be alone . ..
and people will tell you a world needs to be that way, but love that man, hold him close..
Would you dare to stand more then true to me . because i am stronger then a dead man, stronger then the drugs i use .ephemere. wrong .i might end up clear without the image of your self... my dear beloved (nov.2005) . again you have fail to remember .
And you'd rather leave me like almost Sad. in a white porcelain bathtub, no essences of the perfect smells you adore, only blank water shell , like egg dead and ashes of cigarettes floathing on top of filthy waters . Stain my self ... dream myself ...
it's close to a deadly x-mas, love to my mother who died on the 20 th of december i am going to get my true love, her name is always Lucy ( 4 pawsand eyelashes like you have never seen)....... Marijo st-amour
( this is fragments of letters before i went to t-dot for some-boy ! )
Now january ... snow .. what day ? lucy , no her name was lucie , it is my mother's birthday . maybe, maybe that's why i woke up a little raging, you havn't check your message yet, it's o.k. i'm holding steady, i breathe in i breathe out i had the usual head aches. they are obvious when you are trying to go sober. no alcohol, no powder nothing , for real. it's like travelling, but for the first time of my life in Montreal
city .... where home, where life is , friends , family , all . but love . might be in another city , hours away from here . love , love , love and this time it is not a girl no more.
Gatorade 2 bottles later for headaches ! ( lisa's precious advice for a better life )
i reserved the camera at le GIV , i felt on fire now i am dealing with a freazing ass !
But lucy is watching for me , i am almost nervous waiting for you to call my name , once again , over the freakin' computer O romeo where are thou i have fallen for someone and for the first time ever , he is the one that have spied on me, get me , i am apparently the woman in BLUE . water i want to breath you inside of me
(letters others )
So yes yes morning dew , Awake at 8 a.m. my turns , last night a start up ending for my film, i am back at Sala rossa, centro social espanol. .
i am finally out of the maps, out of the reach... Margo with no cell phone , going down the hill ... if you know me you would think this is strange .
Nobody try that hard anymore , to keep on loving you . after you even said the love it was dead... but my dear let me . be .... because i have proven you so wrong , a little funny story i say ... but it made people cry .. funnny and enough to make me cry ... then i smiles.
o.k. apparently i am on the counter clock all you have to do is ring the bells . i think i'm just floathing anyway in between seasons.
Act . 1 called serenade ... a peice , like a melody performed to the beloved by the lover . i wish i could play guitar and sing and touch you even . but i have Bleoo . he is gonna play . bleoo tells me i make unconfortable music , angoissante musique . i have actually found the perfect rif . .. its a spiderweb , the way i dreamt of my hands playing all over your body ...
St-valentine's day .... what a day , i wasn't born to be poor and a total soberland. hell .. running and loosing some precious time. running after lazy dealer and weak pusher looking like hardcore, my ass . one spend a week in my pants and you'll probably move back to your mother's house.sadly serious . R.C must have walked in the door ... O lord .. at least she's loyal and happy on a day of love ... no hate ....i'm there alive and on my way getting warmer . the bathtub . mon corps esseulee repose dans le bain, circus girl all day at school , fucking concordia . i wanna be every teacher she sees , i want to perform incest in such an angelical way, altough i am all at learning. she says no words . but i hear all of her inside.
of course she is late, but times have change and our good habits of careless woman are starting to fade on each others... she is taking a cab . i want (her) to be there ... gimme more then a reason to love y. soft control. i want you to call my name at any strange hours . . days or nights.just say my name . and give me hell of a reason to stay awake . alone i am moving in all the directions. patience , i miss the only show i truly wanted to see , it's o.k. diving together.
today in july .. the best letters i have ever written were for (you) , she left me after showing me what could love have truly been .. in words, in the way we were ..
alone , i will walk straight through the nights .
therefore , one day i might see you , pray.
like the altar-boy . my name is to be re-define.
i will wander in the streets, drinking red wine and cigarettes , write.
there is no more beautiful loser . only me . (thinking of you ) . jami y
possible conversation ; and what about tomorrows, that girl stting right next to you, looks like she needs an explosion of sparkles, the way shooting stars blows in your stomach, when it rises after midnight.especially when i go out and ride this fucking city . you don't know me . and SHE left, gone with the wind maybe that's why i feel like the whole winter was pretty dry. .. dry dry dry like my mouth . a bout de souffle . assoiffee.. but i want more then that , i want the white snowflakes that usually powder myself...
dear p, dear you, you have forgotten '' how am i supposed to spell the words , emotions are complete.blury. not because i have stopped the feelings, feelings are created, no matter how fast they grow. it doesn't mean we have the rights to lie to them. it's so hard for me to know anything. the worst is time, days after days after days without a sign. nothing not even the sounds of your voice.. i am not crazy enough to hunt you down to school. but i am soon to blow, cuz i can't take it. how can i . every details , notes, words, music, even the cat's whispers are signals of you .and everyone saw you. but i see. in the shadow of your eyes. happy or sad there was always something more. showing . perceptions of your name all over my lips. words . yes. yu are reading. epic not because i tried to convince myself. i was quick enough to create another drama. by whispering my love all over your body .
again, cold. what could i possibly say . anything goes. .. you see some people have addictions. they invented n.a. a.a . and tra lalalalalala. another form of addictions. a social joint for people unstable to face their old reality . i think it's totally o.k. who i am to judge ! no one. but see 1st of it all, i did most research on my addictions then most people will never do. and i realize i wasn't truly ready to get rid of them all, some of them. but not all of them. addictions, passions...obsessions...lack of control. but also control, balance. i do know i am playing with fire and maybe burning the candle by both extremities . but hey ! i'd rather burn indeed then to live in total dark.
cigarettes burning. still 24 yrs old. at least i do believe i wanna live up to a quarter of century.. after that , we'll see .
lately, i have been crying more then a lot. i blow my emotions on fire. new years in sparkles didn't help. substances unclear, limousine. dollars i gain , and vain !!
Surrounded by the sound saxophone. i play guitar. more then i've ever did. once again i am about to go see the ocean. by myself. i wanted her to take me . but she had fears .. '' i can't make it on my own'' you were the lights on. more then a bed time story. proof. i slept barely. . lay in water . don't even bother about the soap.listen to opera. ashes... floating in green spoiled water. no one will keep the curtains close. i might make it on my own, i am still strong . wonder why . and courage. and vampire. blood and tears.only for the sugar addict. i refuse to dry out. even when the cold gets me empty.
here in my bath i see t.v. with another black suspicious cat, always looking at me.dare. so long. bleoo is probably waiting for me. . i am tender flesh. bluest.i have the sexiest bathroom ever. and again the water is burning. i don't even pay my bills.
morning oct 25 th ... day off , i will get to see people later ... '' i envy the wind '' that song drives me crazy ... it's in memory of all the inner pain i felt for a fucking long time, it's winter in fall. it's a snowstorm in my heart in the middle of july . it's cold in remembrance of how warm we were . it's more then that . it's me who will always love you
now .. right now. thursday oct.26 th 3;41 am ...
i could never live without music...
'no instrumental break' ''i will always love you'' the cure performed by tori amos
but apparently i can live without you ....
i will always love you ............................... ( refuse to die )
i will keep on breathing. without you. remember my tattoo. breathe under water.
and all this time i tought spring would melt the ice so i go down in the ocean black
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
11:50 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
oct.24 th . too late we're 25
TODAY . OCT 24 2006.
i should call it tonight. late again, and i do not feel like bedtime is coming soon. i decided to be a good boy and started to rewrite some, a lot actually of the load of letters to the beloved, it's written so small i am curved in front of the computer . wrong set-up, my back hurts. i wish i could lay down and read it all loud and it would be there on the computer . but see this is only the kind of luck you have little chance to get , and only once you are dead. the typical who's gonna find my life in stories, beautiful even when the words are wrong, because i had no one in my back spying me, there was plenty. people. no one ever truly understand how come you write no matter what ... to escape, to tell , to love, to disappear,, and so be it ... here i am .. talking like i was being interviewed on my work as a movie/slash/trash writer of my own foolish life ... but no matter how sad or low it will get , remember in the end i think i like the pain, i like the tears that went by ... i wanna take you dead or alive , a ghost left in flesh, but to me you can only be history ... because in every last moments, small they were .. un-pregnant. empty i see .... saw you .. i think i will ever love you .. but tonight i have no other choice but to say it . it's close to an end... of course i will always refuse to kill this endless child glowing innocence that will fall for you anytime, any days if you would just say it's o.k.
but i am filled with conscience, fucking clear it becomes when you grow older, sober, stronger . blase putana de madre ... i am telling you ... je pourrais delirer, delivrer comme la parole de mon coeur, de mon cul. tout mes fantasmes, i could screen them in long in large , but remember i am a lover , more romance y lacrimosa.. lamentations to the moon i shall show before i let go of my instincts .. mes plus bas instincts animal... sexual... ( with the 'u' pronounced loud and low )
home, sweet home.. sweet for real, all i have left as in term of food are chocolates, lots of them and red wine, that is all there is. and cigarettes until next week. i am half computer geek right now, downloading tango and pj harvey, writing my past .. it' s hard .. it has nothing to do like school work, i feel like i have to take all the emotions, from dusk t'll dawn, dark to light and find an order, find a sense. there is no end or beginning in real . only fragments of texts i wrote. they are all a bit the same if you generalize la chose, but it's more then that .. i am having stress pulsation just trying to imagine images enough intense, dense, beautiful even so sad to make people feel what i felt. it's not just an artsy fucking movie anymore.. c'est comme le film tout rapide de ma vie... this moment when love WAS lasted not more then 30 days .. and a year after i cannot explain truly all of it ... because i could choose at any minute to dye because this love is gone... the word is dead..and the feeling is lost because it suffocates alone. but i have to bring it alive one last time.... that's all i wanna do .. bring it alive and breathing love . fear no love .. in deep pain. scars of my love ... but no worries i'll remember to call the movie like it needs to be .. serenade .
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
11:27 PM
Monday, October 23, 2006
montreal... alive.
''didn't know what to do, then there was you ..''you told me about this one and only tattoo you would wear , resistance. strong woman. crazy for what she believes in.. but i know she believe strong. i have ( need ) indeed to be true when i lay ink on the paper. i also speak through my eyes, but glasses makes it hard to see. or maybe it's loud itself in a bar like this... watching drag queens and karaoke, i drink beer like water, it's all new for a scotch lover ...
i am back home late , rewriting the words i had left on peices of papers but now , i feel like writing in between the lines... we met , once before, you are calm in a way that could explode , in a sharp way.. easy to talk . but tonight , i stopped when i realize.
i don't think i could. resist you . there were , your eyes, semi-closed sometimes et ses lignes si definies e votre visage ... lips... insane .. my eyes were open but it's like to remember a dream . a dream in a crowded bar. i wanna see you in a room where all you can ear is piano, the mouths open of strangers , moving lips but no sounds , only yours i can see. listen. someone's hands dense on the piano keys. and i would get back to scotch... tonight i had to look somewhere else , by sight .lightly. unless i would have gotten hypnoized like a fool by your eyes, eating me. could it taste sugar if you'd see.
i know it's hard sometimes to believe one can write . with no fear of how deep down i can crawl to feel . inside. my guts and mind. .. your words were ink and sweet sounds in my ears, ''please call me '' . i will . you know i will, before you do , maybe , that's an easy move. movements.
home, still. letter to myself. cigarettes and i had to open a bottle of wine, it's 3;30 i am wide awake , i'd rather write non-sense, then to fall for the drugs, it's a sober night , well some people like to create all as a drug, so yeah i am drinking but water could be worst for my health right now... trust me . it's hilarious my dad's girlfriend smokes weed and ash and she told me she finds drinking people looks older, in their face, expressions, like rusty body .. but i like old, and her mind his more crooked then any drunken i've known....
1. not straight; bending; curved: a crooked path.
2. askew; awry: The picture on the wall seems to be crooked.
3. deformed: a man with a crooked back.
4. not straightforward; dishonest.
5. bent and often raised or moved to one side, as a finger or neck.
6. (of a coin) polygonal: a crooked sixpence
i fucking love the dictionary... see i am aware of knowledge... like a true studious boy . right now i wish i could shut off my mind and go to bed. but you have to spare time, and i'd rather spare words then spare change as in loosing my money ... seriously everytime i manage to hold myself sober, away from snakes and drugs , i should buy myself a present on the day after. tonight i rode a cab back home because i can afford it. and tomorrow i am going o rescue my guitar from the pawnshop , and then i can even buy myself a coffee and a new tire for my bike, all that easy , it's money lost , but better then money burned.
i will soon even give lots of con to one ( two ) of my good friends because money drama are the worst .. trust again i know what i am talking about . i am good at spending money , but thank god i am also really good at making some .. it's all a perfect circl, can be viscious if you go back spirals , but if you can keep the balance then it's easy to live . live. and forget you know how to destroy. forget.
but wait t'll you have to forget the most quick efficient side of you .. i have two. i can love t'll death ...... and i can hurt myself way better then anyone does.
it's true peole think that life is hard and painful, life should be like mr.Miller says so ;'' the aim of life is to live, to live means to be aware, joyously,drunkenly,divinely aware.. '' all that , life can be boring and redondant, an everyday that comes back in every way , but still the same, quiet even, but it is.. i am learning to manage those annoying dense's slow days, they appear to you the more you grow up, i didn't believe so but no i breathe into it. and i am quite calm, you learn fast how to look back from the inside dreams you've kept preciously.
those precious things. tonight i tought about it twice , love, it's a feeling, it's more then what most people think it is. but i told gently to myself that i should think of romance indeed, like first time you call someone out, and all the nervously good that comes with it, it's worth being alive. aware. i think i might follow my instinct, we are all good at making friends for a night, social birds, i want more... winter is about to knock it hard so i'd rather become a wolf then a little birds, worst a butterfly, fuck that shit ! if truly you could see me you would understand, i don't carry the same kind of feather a bird grow.. i am a hunter .
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
11:58 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
truth is i have to be scared....
letter to myself, the immortal junkie have changed.... in a good flakie way... i remember in the past it took me a whole lotta nights druged on by anything, i went through insane phase my whole life... times where white nights in a row, ith school, work, frends and somekind of family on top of it ... then i moved to Montreal, discovered i could play adult ( smile ) and get smashed in my appartment incognito... i have had the worst reputation, no wonder how i had to keep it quiet .. once i o.d. on heroin, it was my second life time, and two days later the whole community arround me had putted a junky signs on top of my head... they start to worry when they hear about your death, that sometimes how it goes.. but i get to usually worry before i even tell people...3 years ago i use to be a rock addict , to the core... i could write for days on how hell i have lived, but i ain't give a shit about dpressing my self with hell of a good melo-dramatico segment of my life ... the past is over ... but never forgotten ... you are most vulnerable if ever you see it , sometimes i do understand these people that quit drugs and quit every single things or people related to it ... i won't , will never , it's a big part of my life , and for most of it i have no regrets.. except this one..... this one hell i tasted for so long , ell why , sour taste, because you are empty , if a drug takes my hands away from writing or my words away from talking non-sense, then this drug is obviously not good for me .... point ... the money is an issue .. i am punishing myself the good way by sticking to my original plan to go to Toronto even with no money , a lesson .. it might indeed be good , to relearn i can , use to survive .. way better then my own little lazy self .. i work my ass all week to burn in smoke he fruits of my fucking labor , that's bullshit .. that's dishonesty, unloyalty, un-AWARyness to my own self.. and i need no one to tell me whether it's good or bad or fine if i don't do it again ... i am the ONe to feel here .. no mater how many stereotype there is , i try my best to fight against them , and i ned no one to pull that shit on me ..
so tonight , early night cuz i got to be a good boy , and go to bed.. ( but my hands move too fast ) i left my home alone to go pick up a bit of money somewhere , not actually for food , but probably for some good old scotc-whyskey in toronto.... but finally i decided to let go ... cry baby cry , they say it's good for you.. i had to tell someone of my sin and i did chose the god someone, because she ain't no fucking NA, no she is this charming woman i know, a pirate and a grande dame, the kind of friend that tells you it's o.k. to be a fuck up, t do fuk top, and to redeem o fuck me up !!! we talked of th epast , th enow, and this NEED of tomorrows... i know i need them , but to need them is also to be aware of them... aware, joyously,drunkenly,divinely aware ( the aim of life is to live .. henry miller )
and i am not aware when i miss the food and water my body and brain need for a living, it pays a whole fuckalot to have them , so indeed they request respect an dcare ... c.a.r.e. .. it's the word of today ..
and i am at this fragment of my life where i need care , cuz agai i like to blame it all on my mid-20's crisis, but i need to be carfull about tomorrows, and good sweet morrow i will smell the coffee in less then 9 hours away from now i choose to awaken for a journey i have been dreaming off for a whil,, and yesmy body will be tired becaus eit havn't slept at all last night ... but there will always be time to rest , and right now i am feeling my head aches a little still, but my soul as taken a rest for tnight ... i could put weights of all th ebad and th eugly onto my shoulders, but my aunt always told me i put to much anyway for nothing , i don't have too... tonight i will listen to her before listening to my past or future.. or n.o.w. .. i willl only listen to her faded voice in my memory , try to imagine even what could my mother have possibly told me when i was a kid so i go to bed a little early ...
sweet dream shawnda, sweet dream faby , and hopefully l met you mother along the nights to come, if i feel in the ocean red ...
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
7:25 PM
Friday, October 06, 2006
i think i have only few minutes to write , so i shall use them good... the devil is a snake... i wish someone else could explain that to me, but who th efuck ever respond on the net... like i said before it's a conversation to myself..... so both the angels and the snakes are part of me.... as much of an angel i can be , you don't really burn down the snakes.. and it makes actual sense.... devil's related to fire... try motherfucker to burn down the fire... good luck...and good hopes .... but i have a part insane inside me,, it's a gift i cannot , and will never deny , from my mother , the ocean inside... but in the city i live in, it's hard and a constant struggle to make an ocean alive in a serpent's world..even this girl i like a lot told me she was a fish and i was a serpent... she must have not known my knowledge of the bad... the worst ... sometimes i am just so aware on how criminal we are unhealthy, in the way we eat, in our addictions... no wonder i find smoking good for myself.... smoking arsh cigarettes and drinking scotch and herbal tea seems like a way healthier solution then th efood i eat everyday at my job... but it's free..not all is free, the after-midnight snacks are not .. and the going away needs arn't as well... but for all ou live , there is a price to pay , i lik eto comvince
i love it ,,, some of the few that knows me could read in between the lines..
snakes; comes after midnight when you feel weak but son't even know it ! you only feel like a piece of shit, more then week after then enlace your whole body, left your soul thinking too much ..
the angels; are those who choose to go to bed even awake tormented by their beloved demons. but they are blessed through their dreams, unknown, so they awake with more wings, wings made of steel...
tonight don't ask me why , or how it happens, but i am going to be an angels of light .. matter what .. romy would say so,,, do the same....
hopefully i'll dream of love
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
11:25 PM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
un ecrivain seul , c'est de la folie , parce-que rien ne l'arrette... M . DURAS
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
9:31 PM
days left
3 more workin' days before i get to run away .. and gracieusete de migghan i get to run away with a the cure album, all i need, cigarettes, a 26 oncer of scotch and to be sitting in whatever van that'll take me away ... i have been dreamin about it, every day ... i have one only worry , some of my friends there havenot been receptive to my request for a place to sleep, i hate to beg , i am also really succeptible and take shit personnaly , i ant help it , i have been like this for a while , some of you are rough to change, like your name stuck, yur family, a lot of bad habits, they are part of yourself.... i know peoplewith crazier caprice then that , but i love them. i just wish the people i want to see would also want to os me... i know i would host pretty much everybody i know... new music into my life... a craving for drugs, but i am being hardcore resistance since the only thing i can get deliver to my door is way to expensive and addictive, i have a bit of scotch left so i'll sip carefully try to think of something else.. this moby song called porcelain does to me the ame effect it must do on everybody who have seen th ebeach , th emovie, it feels like the ocean in south somewhere hot, burning hot.. with turquoise water ...
it's funny my addiction to chating on the net , i am writing random to people and everynight coming back t my home expecting mesage from a couple of people i truly wanna hear about , but there is only one trustable stranger that writes long messages to me... i will meet this person soon enough to feel where this interest will go , it's strange but they say you should expect romances to be unexpected, from the people you would have never tought. so maybe i shou dstop waiting for what's obviously not coming my way th eway i wanted it to ..... and let time be, leave the days aloe they will go on , their path in your life, breathe in breathe out when you need it most . go away from this fucking screen , you;re sitting in th ewrong way , careless of the comfort of your back... careless of the mess arround you. all you care is words to everywhere, words no one knows really exist for now, a moie to make, to write your guts, drink and smoke.. go to bed, go lay down with a book , this amazing polish lady gave you th ecreme de la creme to read et tu n'est meme pas foutue de tourner les pages, instead ou are waiting for a call from destiny that is especially not ready to come your way , or even worst it's hiding in between the books themselves, you are too sure of yourself your life you believe it stand hiding in the same pages you are turning over and over, but there lays only lies and fake lullabies., the ones you dream awake in your bed all night t'll dawn..... lies for all my lullabies, start living for fuck's sake .. there you go i have reach it , the magick point where you start to talk to your own self, i know few, but really a tiny little few people that can crush me down with truth , about th evisions i am addicted to , and the most reliable is me.... most of my friends are way too carefull , and they believe most i'll say, i am good because of that or sad or stone or rehab or clean, ... believe in my voice, i am a preacher that can be so honest , even when i choose to lie...
hard to believ ( smile ) but trust .. blind fuck ....who knows i am the one to repeat there is no need of reality .. more brilliant then me said it already .. .Fellini ..
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
9:09 PM
rain... let it rain all day
october 3 rd .. 2 '33 pm,,, that means i unfortunately have to go to work soon, eat more mexican food. the last text i posted here was sad day , i am and was feeling better the day after that , they are usually short drama... my roomate is finaly ere, she is a casual talker. another like didi to make me realize sometimes i enjoy a lot the voices in my head. 5 more days and i'll be away to Toronto, finally , i am excited that i'll get to stay at greyden's house for a couple of days,more homo for a healthy week, it's his birthday too.. i got news from pike , i had to tell her if she comes to Montreal when i'm in her city i'll have no other option then to kick her ass, for real.
i wrote to brescia, and i tought icould stay at her place but no answer which is sad, but what can i do, i ain't gonna cry . i have better to do, for real. i have to stop thinking or no, stay in my head t'll i leave, work non-stop... go out on saturday, yes believe it or not i am gong to the village'd drugstore for a late pool party, meeting this girl Ashley, another girl boy in between, my new addictions....
i could write, more deep, but i ned a shower, i need to wake up my body, my mind is there , but the body is asleep....
it's raining and i want rain for the next hour so i can take the bus ..
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
11:16 AM
Sunday, October 01, 2006
bloody sunday...dark days
sunday is the day off. i get paid on saturday, i am a big spender. my act; stupid. result; nroken body and broken wallet. guilt; almost not; just feel stupid. it will go away if i eat good , re-work the money i spend and move on, but i am way too aware to be a think-not kind of addict, i use to consume my life at a fair cheap price, now i do it less often but i went in the high prices. result; no good, i need to leave, for a week, i need good stuff to happen to me in this city i started to make appearance in , Toronto. people say it's not that great over there, it's not as good as montreal but the people, people my style aree better to me. i always fall in love, then come back dreaming, but coming back to where you left and changes no means nothing after a while, i need to get traumatize, more, my heart wants to be shaken. m.o.r.e. my appartment is already getting better , Sam is now here, she just got here, builded her room, faster then me, it was motivation so i put a damn curtain as a wall to my bedroom, we definitely need a kitchen table. my aunt was making fun of me when she asked if i had gotten one, i said no like i am wondering what could be the use of it , but she says my roomates are probably a little more in need of something usefull like a table to eat on. make sense. god today is a day i would love to be at my grandma's, eating potatoes and overcooked meat even. but instead i am home and i have to decided at some point between an onion or an egg, but no bread, no oil, no sweet fucking nothing. i shall just pretend i am doing a cure, i have old chinesse's finest tea, i probably could last longer then i think on that. and grow better. it feels so cold right now, but i keep the door by my computer open cuz i smoked so much all night and i truly don't want my roomate to run away suffocating, it's a dark day, i will stay low profile, real low. she 9 sam) is already getting so much phone calls , it makes me realize i have lived like a total writing hermite since july, no one has my phone, except Didi, but she wouldn't need it anyway, she knows exactly where i live, strange i havn't seen her lately.
i don't say it enough like i feel like i have no rights but i miss pike so much, lately i have been sending e-mails to everyone i know in Toronto, no answer, brescia, Greyden, Pike.. so maybe i am going there to see Adrian, it's a far ride just for a beer and scotch, but i can't stay here, it would be wrong. so wrong . driving me nuts to the core.
the colors outside are dark but it would be perfect fr film, it's not completely grey, it has kept the colors of fall with no sun, soon there is gonna be no light. no light. i am ridiculous with the internet, i can't watch movie so i go on friendster and check people's profile, you actually get to learn more with people's profile then random strangers you see on the streets or into bars.
i went to see the day , i got my true love back, my baby Lucy ... the sexiest german -sheppard ever ... . it sucks about the rain , because whe could have gone out longer, but i hope she don't mind..the closeness inside... i talk about my dog like i talk about a lover.. she is ... ..
enough words for right now ,,, i feel like a 8 yrs old girl writing in her blue covered journal...
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
2:14 PM
Thursday, September 28, 2006
afternoon scotch... angels of light
no no i am not trying to say i am an angel, i refuse to be that kind of angel... once you have listened to 'angels of light's ' lyrics you realize it has nothing truly holy .. i love it .. it's middle of the day i am waiting for the bells to ring so i go to work... then i can eat . it's crazy all i had left in my fridge were little children's cup of chemical pudding, and veggies crackers, i am still trying to figure out if there is truly any vegetables for me in there. money release came in today , her name is sam, she's my new roomate, finally . i have hopes in there. 2 more weeks and i am finally going to Toronto... i can't wait , there is a coupe of person i want to see so bad. and i might even have money , last time i was there it was such a struggle to come back, almost impossible, i almost got drop in the middle of the ride back home, for a lack of money ....
it's funnt i finally switched when talking to people from '' i am not doing too good ''to i am actually fine, it would be ridicule to say i am not fine, i got a home, a job and a soon to be found 2000 dollars grant for my movie, but it's the jail type of grant , i have to stay ( kind of ) in the city for a year, right after 3 months straight of wanting to leave , i get my sentence .. one year more... i am wondering if i will truly be able to keep my kitchen job for one year ... lasting t'll christmas feels long already .... fall has just begun... i lovethe weather now, the wind more present , the slight cold on my face . i should go out , more often to wal... but wouldn't it be nice to walk with someone.... . in autumn's leaves. fall... for you ..
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
11:07 AM
the aim of life is to live,
and to live means to be aware,
joyously,drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware... ( Henry Miller )
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
10:25 AM
serenade from may 18 th 2005, words by the sea.
finally i get re-write all the letters to the beloved...the letters written in the bathtub.... and the peices of papers, filled in pulses all over my life.... i started to work again in my dearest montreal.... not to long ago, a fine job ... 3 days later i was gone... appear to be on the side of the waters, not any kind of waters. the eastern point of kanada.
newfoundland. i had to climb up the hills because i saw lights on top a fort.. it was the only place for me to see...
i needed soberty. but what am o crazy , people should read love and laughter by henri miller, instead of getting immaculate by the tv's intimacy.... i need flesh and bones. i need raw myself and i am alone.... i need to run up to the girl that knew none of my crazy me when she called me mon amour.... i will ride on a train... my friends , they tend to get nervous about security.. safety first says henri . but the day i stop beleivin' . this day i stop smokin' i am more convince that unfortunaly i might get hit by the first random bus in an empty city.... can you truly hear me.
i want you to call up my in all the song i have been listening... alone it is crazy to be me.
Marguerite Duras; '' un ecrivain,seul c'est de la folie, rien ne l'arrete.... j'avais ce travail-la, ecrire et aimer "
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
9:52 AM
serenade from may 18 th 2005, words by the sea.
finally i get re-write all the letters to the beloved...the letters written in the bathtub.... and the peices of papers, filled in pulses all over my life.... i started to work again in my dearest montreal.... not to long ago, a fine job ... 3 days later i was gone... appear to be on the side of the waters, not any kind of waters. the eastern point of kanada.
newfoundland. i had to climb up the hills because i saw lights on top a fort.. it was the only place for me to see...
i needed soberty. but what am o crazy , people should read love and laughter by henri miller, instead of getting immaculate by the tv's intimacy.... i need flesh and bones. i need raw myself and i am alone.... i need to run up to the girl that knew none of my crazy me when she called me mon amour.... i will ride on a train... my friends , they tend to get nervous about security.. safety first says henri . but the day i stop beleivin' . this day i stop smokin' i am more convince that unfortunaly i might get hit by the first random bus in an empty city.... can you truly hear me.
i want you to call up my in all the song i have been listening... alone it is crazy to be me.
Marguerite Duras; '' un ecrivain,seul c'est de la folie, rien ne l'arrete.... j'avais ce travail-la, ecrire et aimer "
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
9:52 AM
serenade from may 16 th 2006 ( old text written by the sea )
finally i get re-write all the letters to the beloved...the letters written in the bathtub.... and the peices of papers, filled in pulses all over my life.... i started to work again in my dearest montreal.... not to long ago, a fine job ... 3 days later i was gone... appear to be on the side of the waters, not any kind of waters. the eastern point of kanada.
newfoundland. i had to climb up the hills because i saw lights on top a fort.. it was the only place for me to see...
i needed soberty. but what am o crazy , people should read love and laughter by henri miller, instead of getting immaculate by the tv's intimacy.... i need flesh and bones. i need raw myself and i am alone.... i need to run up to the girl that knew none of my crazy me when she called me mon amour.... i will ride on a train... my friends , they tend to get nervous about security.. safety first says henri . but the day i stop beleivin' . this day i stop smokin' i am more convince that unfortunaly i might get hit by the first random bus in an empty city.... can you truly hear me.
i want you to call up my in all the song i have been listening... alone it is crazy to be me.
Marguerite Duras; '' un ecrivain,seul c'est de la folie, rien ne l'arrete.... j'avais ce travail-la, ecrire et aimer "
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
9:41 AM
Friday, September 22, 2006
sept. 23 th 2'33 am...... sleep
just a little words, .. i just posted a big text that was sitting on my screen, it was actually the smallest , i will soon try to put images or a layout or something prettyon my blog pages. for now it is words and words.... and it's funny how this blog is hidding , but somehow we like to have a part of ourself lost on th enet, because it is a fucking lost place, it's a senseless place for loner sometimes, for people who might feel brilliant replacing television by their computers. i usually take letters fro journal i have on the machine and post it here... it's a superficial journal, but it's still me, except people should try handwriting, it's gorgeous , it does turn me on, hand writing and old books, old poetry , new poetry , stories, i talk like a true reader who reads all kinds of shit, nope, i am actually picky lik eyou wouldn't believe ,... it always takes me forever to find a book i might like .. but when i do , i do for real.... i am now reading henry Miller's tropics of cancer after is 'love and laughter' they both are amazing... i want more queer litterature but my city is pauvre dans ce cas-ci .... i just just recovered internet home, so i'll probably be writing a lot to the estranged.. i like it... indeed it's only and will always be just long long conversation with myself. i went for a bit of therapy and realize no one will ever know me as muc as my words are dripping, i have so much journals i felt like i should land the therapist one for her freaking boring life ( i didnt say it, she said it ) ... going there and doing a speech to them made me realize t'll forever that i am so far away from crazy ... i am a freak ,,, but if one thing i became not is insane.. i am mad only about one thing, more like obsess ...l.o.v.e. wait a bit you'll see soon... it shows.... i recently wrote a letter to this lovely woman i know in Toronto, she was quite surprised how not emotionnally craving it was, more down to earth... she liked it... it's like a file.... not everyone can support that much overwhelming lovingness ( ha ha ha ) but for me its a bit hard to live without it ! it can feel so empty ...
nut i always survive... like a friend pirate would say , we have to , go through .... because there is always something after . i cannot throw away or forget the past , i keep it for lonely days , i keep it even when the lost hurts like knifes that are intertwine in the heart but it stays and healing can be, but sometimes old loves appear like new kind of pain everyday, dreams awake with no issues, and lay awake dreaming of deep sleep.
deep sleep and dreams in which...
you might feel the love have survived.
sur ce je quite vers les bras de morphee...
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
11:27 PM
times awaiting, re .. read .. again and i'll change....
just a little words, .. i just posted a big text that was sitting on my screen, it was actually the smallest , i will soon try to put images or a layout or something prettyon my blog pages. for now it is words and words.... and it's funny how this blog is hidding , but somehow we like to have a part of ourself lost on th enet, because it is a fucking lost place, it's a senseless place for loner sometimes, for people who might feel brilliant replacing television by their computers. i usually take letters fro journal i have on the machine and post it here... it's a superficial journal, but it's still me, except people should try handwriting, it's gorgeous , it does turn me on, hand writing and old books, old poetry , new poetry , stories, i talk like a true reader who reads all kinds of shit, nope, i am actually picky lik eyou wouldn't believe ,... it always takes me forever to find a book i might like .. but when i do , i do for real.... i am now reading henry Miller's tropics of cancer after is 'love and laughter' they both are amazing... i want more queer litterature but my city is pauvre dans ce cas-ci .... i just just recovered internet home, so i'll probably be writing a lot to the estranged.. i like it... indeed it's only and will always be just long long conversation with myself. i went for a bit of therapy and realize no one will ever know me as muc as my words are dripping, i have so much journals i felt like i should land the therapist one for her freaking boring life ( i didnt say it, she said it ) ... going there and doing a speech to them made me realize t'll forever that i am so far away from crazy ... i am a freak ,,, but if one thing i became not is insane.. i am mad only about one thing, more like obsess ...l.o.v.e. wait a bit you'll see soon... it shows.... i recently wrote a letter to this lovely woman i know in Toronto, she was quite surprised how not emotionnally craving it was, more down to earth... she liked it... it's like a file.... not everyone can support that much overwhelming lovingness ( ha ha ha ) but for me its a bit hard to live without it ! it can feel so empty ...
nut i always survive... like a friend pirate would say , we have to , go through .... because there is always something after . i cannot throw away or forget the past , i keep it for lonely days , i keep it even when the lost hurts like knifes that are intertwine in the heart but it stays and healing can be, but sometimes old loves appear like new kind of pain everyday, dreams awake with no issues, and lay awake dreaming of deep sleep.
deep sleep and dreams in which...
you might feel the love have survived.
sur ce je quite vers les bras de morphee...
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
10:02 PM
old texture laid left on the screen .
night . o it is perfect . because i will never say it enough . why o night, o it is perfect... why o why . probably because i had have enough . of moving arround going to see people . not that i don't like you people but you know i feel like i do good by myself . o yes like you could never beleive it . have i told you soon i'll be turning 25 years old and i have been all over the place . now i needed my own place . my eyes are fed , last years and more from eating garbage to feeding you, and i of fine cuisine. ,your eyes ate it all. like vorace , i AM an animal and i love it that way . i follow my instinct , about an hour ago they were hungry so all i had to do was appear like a perfect guest at my friend didi she lives underneath me and it is wonderful that way . we would kill each other with too much talking . it's increedible how crazy people like us can talk talk talk in public and alone there is nothing left to say . and we like it that way .. but see... let me tell you something . people's career, people's interest . alone you read, watch t.v. or sew , do the laundry . .
i talk ... still .. in perfect silences . with the music i adore ... even in silences when i could be doing so many other things .. all i wanna do is write ... like an eternal conversation . fragmented words that never stops .. and i do not see the point of shutting up . more times when i go out to the parties. la fete. it happens in my head. i 'd rather sip out to the bottle of wine every night like if it tastes nostalgia . because it entertains me more and more to write or just smoking cigarettes after cigarettes but really i am that healthy ... i just holds them ... they look fancy on my , in between my fingers. all over the paper we use to dance , i have eternal strenght in my fingers . i want to get a lover... in my life.... maybe i'lll finally get busy and appears too this whole wide world like a settle down type of woman, a fine job, still i am an artist , i have a bike, a computer , a cell phone, and a HOME ...
but ii am disturbed by my own melancholy , i am a dreamer. can you hear me .
i am THE DREAMER . my friend tom is the relayer , sometimes i feel like being the lover . but as for now i will be left in total .. all i wanna be is a dreamer . so let me dream the fuck alone .
so .. later .. tonight .. ashley is in the house . perfect . i feel like she will get herself cosy . . and having a bed ....
the wind is perfect , i have my own balcony and i am in love with it .... i have the fresh wind that caress my skin . i can write and give tom a break of house guest , now i can host the freaky lovely people in my house and it is hell o f a pleasure . to be surroundede . with rad and ashley in the kitchen , i grabbed an x-tra futon for her . and i have my room .. soon . it will be colored by my own history , i want to be able to invite julia for breakfast . . i wanna be able to invite who the fuck i feel like . and make them feel confortable . in walking inside my bubble ...
night time . sexy sounds of the dogs on my beds playing like lovers trying to unravelled each other . but i am guilty or more like a pervert eye that always stays open i d not feel like going to sleep . why would i . when i can stay awake t'll my hands they hurt . i am listening to this old cd of that movie basketball diaries.. i wanna read more of jim carrols's diary .
he was hell of a junky and lived up to his own private and final fantasy .
and my name is margo .. so am i . living to the core of my fantasy . and so be it . that is all i had to say . tomorrow i have to attend a job meeting . be a part of it . . completely .
now what .. words for the girl i wanna meet , one day . maybe, we will be going away run away . in a car i will have learn to drive by then. hopefully . then we go away in perfect shadows.
will you let me ring the bell . will i be trying to figure it out . i cannot tell myself to quit . what i started a long time ago . a long time ago . . when i was a little boy , i was born to be a broken dame , and a silver boy , the kind of boy who walks steady right up to the altar. where i would like to lay my dreams .... the SERPENTS will drop in circles around our heads and they will draw circles and circles of silver lights just enough so i can see the lights coming down . the lights coming down . swings like a blade , swings that blade all over me . show me how close you can get . how bad we can get .. let's be electric . together . let's be electric in an order all together . set myself on fire, and i will never let anyone burn the feather that wrapped all over yours , all over you . i wanna wrapped my hands and feather all over you .. so no one can touch ... or even think of hurting you . no one will ever try to hurt you my love. but . we have not. met yet
this is always the words of the end ... i have not met you yet . .. ..
night is gonna fall .. not yet .. soon . we are july 3 rd .. i woke up in style ... which means i had a shower then some weird new herbal tea . and scotch whyskey ... and i am writting ... smoking .... good god it feels healthy . my way ... and nothing else matters .... i don't even need to run away from the house that doesn't belong to me ... i have friends a little bit all over this city . some of them are away, some of them are closer, but they know. i think we all know we love each others. and life will go on .
now further in july .. looks like i am going crazy ... la solitude.... with one of my friend, , o c'est vrai du fait on ne rit plus... love and laughter commme dirait henry miller. i 'd rather be fuck out of my head with real girls... the one that drives me crazy .. i truly don't mind crazy lovers ..... i want affection, love .. more love ... and i'll give it all i have to give ...
( notes from the now... it does not work that way .. at all .. it's crazy re reading old stuff you wrote .. then you ralize how quick you have change , how 3 months ago is far .. away it'll go )
someone to break my body ....seriously .. someone to get me out of my mind....
dans la plus douce de ces nuits je reste un plus ..... predateurs ... and i feel ready to run .. run in the deep wild .. nothing to stop me .. break my my body all night long .. somebody get hurts ... .la folie je la connais ... elle cogne dans mes plus profond reves eveillees
camarade..look at yourself, already , nothing is real , nothing to fail me over.
i wish i could get out of my body, out of my mind , out of mysef ..
i could be riding in the desert ,naked , with my silver toungue all over the body i choose to adore.
all i do is smoking cigarettes, getting stoned and i want more, i wish i could be with a lover by the sea, moonlights,and sleeping not alone, wandering stars, and for now i am alone in a room . getting , aggressive on the computer, i can't get enough of myself, i wish there was p.j.harvey loud , denis i remember, and i remember more.
i want to go travel but not alone , in which i died ...
***** that is one of the many text laid on my computer... i don't mind sharing with you, unknown .. *****
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
9:30 PM
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
to learn to live in the now
waking up , it's no more morning glory . the heat it heavy.
coffee and cigarettes for breakfast . nothing more.
except i would like to go ride in the rain ... to go ride , and maybe hop a train
but i refuse to leave alone. i am waiting . endlessly . for the perfect companion. and then i might go away . south . wher i could re-write the tropics.
and smokes cigarettes. chain chain smokin' . i will let it rain.
of course i had to expect . that feeling of lneliness to catch me in my dreams.
awake, and my bed is left undone. i havn't spoke to no one lately.
i cried in my bed. the feelings . was left . inside. alone. .lonely
today was like yesterday. i didn't expect . more .
i think. i have never felt that lonely .... empty.
my name is still . marijo st-amour. i look like a boy . i am a woman. i need love. .... without it . nothing exist .
i have these words tattooed on my fingers. f.e.a.r.n.o.l.o.v.e..
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
3:10 PM
Sunday, July 09, 2006
today. i burn in the day
today, what a fucking day . and i am here to write some more. because there is not much to stop me. / i ran away with my friend didi down-town there is nothing ther there . nothing there for me . do i really care some more. i want t get out of my body . i can't afford that right now . i am stock with a body that's mine i know exaactly how to carry . flesh and bones but seriously have you ever felt any light and the day. there is sun shines and it burns my skinns . and it's itchchy . ca grille . ca grille ... ca piqque . what the fuck am i suppose to do . on a nights like this .. i wannna cry . i wanna cries. i wanna fly away. so you willl not catch me where ever i choose to stay . i w ill go ad fly away. sleep away .. a way. my name is margo .. not marijo ??? only for the private,. and intimate.
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
11:33 PM
Saturday, July 08, 2006
morning i wish they would last
morning. awake. not enough time. i am struggling for details like i don't know how to set up my computer . run programs. i want my house to be set . i want to have days that don't exist . where i can clean the whole space . and grow plants , and make tea. and feel clear . and not know that i have to go i the outside world to work for 8 hours. the come back and sleep. and tomorrow is my day off.... but i have so much to do . i need to create myself a kitchen spae . i need to swim. i need more fruits, and energy . the kind you get from the ocean ... i need love . i need to cry .. i need someone to hold me .... i havnt cried lately ... we need that .. i have something like a strong know in my throat i don't realize it . but i don't feel good . and no one knows. i am real real good at going outside in the days . and doing all i have to do . but i need the tears to let go. i need someone to say i love you margo. i guess i am a cancer, it;s apparently the full moon coming soon .. my birthday ,. coming soon. i want someone to take me . outside. i need more air then the fish. i need to breath under water ..
that's it i am crying now. it feels better . i guess . but i have to run away . to work.
i dream my mother would wish me sweet dreams. in whispers. and more music. melancholic.
sad drippings like crystal fall on my skin when it rains i don't hide . i let it be.
i follow my own destiny .....
i am off writing . not because i want too . because i have to go to work ....
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
11:24 AM
Friday, July 07, 2006
home . sweet home
nights. finally it happens. no more running arrround for no one . ' i have access what you could posssibly call stability. my own way. i realize there is a lot of friends you don't see no more. and you miss them . but there is also all the ones arround you . could call or hang out but mi animal's instinct pushes me to rent movies, to et a lots of weird exxotic, tropical juices that's all i drink, and whyskey. i was seriously wondeering what shall i do with a kitchen . and i found answers , plants, chinese plants and herbs i wanna grow . so i can move my body in motion . breathe inside my home. have a real homage to my ancester the monkeys. bananas and lychees , espresso and whyskeys, i know i know i actually have a pretty weird diet . but it suits me endlessly, all of the above ingredients and maybe i can get some chinese tea, and rent a movie....then i'll feel confortable to invite a girl.. for diner.... .
i want to be able to cook again, i wannabe able to calll your name.
in the midnight prays. just like a prayer. i am pelegrim....
un pelerin... is that the actual words.. am i loosing fench .. or am i loosing my mind. it doesn't matter .. as long as i keep it up to
my hands,, they are craving for the long run . immortal training.
there is no rest for warriors like me .... i choose to live .
in the name of l.o.v.e.. .... in less then 8 days i will be turning
in a quarter of century .... and if i made it that far .. i am in.
for the long run .............. ride the waves of intensity.
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
10:00 PM
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
soon i will be a quarter O century !
night has fallen, just be my angel in the night , one day i will find another angel that will await my drop in like an alley cat loyal feline . that crawls in the city, to your door . i am realizing how much this boris vian's quote was perfectly said for me.
je n'ai pas a gagne ma vie , je l'ai ! completely. i possess the dreams i tend to lay awake in. and soon i will be again re-decorating myself an halo , a museum of margoz, a sweet sweet three and a half a minute away from the jean talon market. indian district and i will un-pack treasure i had forgotten i had, a computer, so i can drill my soul onto pages and pages of words... wisdom. and dare dare to be me and me and me ... i wil write for you and you and you and you i havn't met yet . . w.or.d.s. in the middle of a bath i call your name , in the middle of a dream i will be pouring some scotch-whyskey on the rocks ... and drink it in the shower, cold water to caress my skin ...
i will be able to wake up and feed myself some of my magigk potion ... chinese tea .... medicine of my own .... stretch my body to the sound of opera ... o jesus i am extatik ..... dreaming of this space ...... like i have been a lonesone dog . in need to create my own shelter .... soon soon soon ... it will be real .... like the sounds of your name in whispers my heart ..... i carry the emotions ... i want you to find me ... i am there waiting .. for you to find me .. my love ... my dearest love .,
we will be shadows in the sea .. side .. watching the stars ...
i am alive . and i will find someone to give me a reason for lust ( angels of light )
sincerely yours .. jami y
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
10:13 PM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
july i awated y.o.u.
june still. i can see an end to this era of couch surfin my way all over this city ( montreal). i am soon to get my flat . a three and a half. in the indian village . i just got back from toronto. it ws queer*down*weekend. all good , some crushes i tought would have happen towards my way , but not , instead i met new people, i finally met some i had been in touch, in words before. i find it crazy this ability i have to imagine relationship everywhere, and i am O so glad i am being true to all the people i would like to fall for more then friend... ship .. with . i am please right now , i consider myself so fucking happy with the friends i have all over .. some knows me a little , some have known me .. in crazy sad or delirious ... .peacefulll and calm i actuallly fell right now . . i am a going to be a controversial coming of age type of woman. the king of girl, that loves still to beleive i am neither a girl nor a man , . i am a bOy .. and hell of a grand woman. . gender what so ever, i am one of these excited to turn into a quarter of century.... soon ... in 18 days or so i'll be 25 years old..... i will make it all the way up to there . and O jesus ...god knows what i have been through . i am alive . and i am excited to do some kind of setling down .
margo is gonna get an appartment, i have finally found a job that let me be a freakin' wel'so'fare'i do love to suck at the government's money... it's there ... i am one of those that loves society ,. fuck those punk pretend to be anarchY and complaning all day long about society and tra la lala lal .. society IS .. and you are wiser if you know how to play with it ...
we actually are surroundede by a painting alive of so many fuck top tools , all we need to do ... is learn which ones of these tools .. you are willling to use them , try 'em, masturbate reality with the tools that have been given to me .
i am a ninja, a cowboy, and a gentle lady , o i willl hold the door for you my love . if you show me better then what i have discovered ... or you know what . maybe alll i want is to find someone that will ask me out ... invite the boy standing at the altar , seduce thhe girl alone ... in need of romance .. in need of a story , told , in rolls of film ,,, strip down the core of someone' else ;s reality ... so i forget about mine . just foor one night .... and after that feature . so confort we willl find each other, in the warm and soft n spot of each other's arms.....
after another weekend going round and round in society .. .. l.o.v.e. is in the shades of my eyes, love is underneath the surface of my skin... this friend of mine . Brescia .. took a needle . and stick and poke ... ink .. ink . again going under sweet so of my left arm .. little . gentle .
tattoo ................................. result . a heart . le coeur a l'envers , comme une phrase se perd a la mer .
in the ocean black . in the ocean blue .. i am . you are ... the waves are so wide .. i havn't found you yet .. my love ..
your name i cannot whisper to the moon .. we havn't met each other yet , my l.o.v.e. .. my name Marijo St-Amour
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
9:40 PM
july i awated y.o.u.
june still. i can see an end to this era of couch surfin my way all over this city ( montreal). i am soon to get my flat . a three and a half. in the indian village . i just got back from toronto. it ws queer*down*weekend. all good , some crushes i tought would have happen towards my way , but not , instead i met new people, i finally met some i had been in touch, in words before. i find it crazy this ability i have to imagine relationship everywhere, and i am O so glad i am being true to all the people i would like to fall for more then friend... ship .. with . i am please right now , i consider myself so fucking happy with the friends i have all over .. some knows me a little , some have known me .. in crazy sad or delirious ... .peacefulll and calm i actuallly fell right now . . i am a going to be a controversial coming of age type of woman. the king of girl, that loves still to beleive i am neither a girl nor a man , . i am a bOy .. and hell of a grand woman. . gender what so ever, i am one of these excited to turn into a quarter of century.... soon ... in 18 days or so i'll be 25 years old..... i will make it all the way up to there . and O jesus ...god knows what i have been through . i am alive . and i am excited to do some kind of setling down .
margo is gonna get an appartment, i have finally found a job that let me be a freakin' wel'so'fare'i do love to suck at the government's money... it's there ... i am one of those that loves society ,. fuck those punk pretend to be anarchY and complaning all day long about society and tra la lala lal .. society IS .. and you are wiser if you know how to play with it ...
we actually are surroundede by a painting alive of so many fuck top tools , all we need to do ... is learn which ones of these tools .. you are willling to use them , try 'em, masturbate reality with the tools that have been given to me .
i am a ninja, a cowboy, and a gentle lady , o i willl hold the door for you my love . if you show me better then what i have discovered ... or you know what . maybe alll i want is to find someone that will ask me out ... invite the boy standing at the altar , seduce thhe girl alone ... in need of romance .. in need of a story , told , in rolls of film ,,, strip down the core of someone' else ;s reality ... so i forget about mine . just foor one night .... and after that feature . so confort we willl find each other, in the warm and soft n spot of each other's arms.....
after another weekend going round and round in society .. .. l.o.v.e. is in the shades of my eyes, love is underneath the surface of my skin... this friend of mine . Brescia .. took a needle . and stick and poke ... ink .. ink . again going under sweet so of my left arm .. little . gentle .
tattoo ................................. result . a heart . le coeur a l'envers , comme une phrase se perd a la mer .
in the ocean black . in the ocean blue .. i am . you are ... the waves are so wide .. i havn't found you yet .. my love ..
your name i cannot whisper to the moon .. we havn't met each other yet , my l.o.v.e. .. my name Marijo St-Amour
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
9:40 PM
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
magick for cancer tropic
dear night. ! i truly love you .. i ackonledge a long time ago you are one i can whisper those words in your way.
i can write more then you ever tought you could wish for. but this time i will write for me and only me .i live it..
sitting at casa del popolo. scotch whyskey and i am able to just sit randomly outside. it's all good. those punkster drunken people sitting right next to me. and i am the one free . of course i couldn't stay at meaghan'shouse ! and sleep right away. i'd rather get high and drink more whyskees. and write myself.. no matter what comes out. i will only have this one thing to do. write my way out of the crowd.
O and i'm a pirate. i ra my bike so fast to Tom's house , so i can put on my spiderweb shirt, and in this house people are sleepy. me. a true alley cat, and i don't care where i fucking am i have a boy to steal a penfrom. . and then i can write my soul, my sex , my hands have no one to touch tonight so they rather travel like this intense built-up. you know when you want to come but you want to keep the heat for such a long run. . sexing the cherries. without even touching myself. . you can do it . all you neeed is to beleive. i want to beleive inyou .. j....d....s
THE CURE . ( even tough i wanna kidnap you to go see a nin show) ... i wanne runaway with you, i know know
it can seem hard, when you had tought you wanted , could party with the same people you do in this city .
but, please, i am also lost and lonely, and i have this gifted instinct.. called crazyness for a god reason. , i am trying to be true to you , to be honest to you even if i don't know a single clue about you .
but hear my voices, they fall like waves in blue on the paper when i am suppose to be sleeping i cannOt .
i'd rather keep my eyes, sleepy but alive. i think it's adrenaline i know how to create soft and natural potions of adrenaline. for you and me .
and i want you to say yes. it's easy , it's crazy. but i wish i could give you no choice. . but i praise the stars.
tonight i am so alone, and i want to be alone. i want to run away wth you for one weekend in a car ... DIDI said you can drive. i think i wanna play . hole in the car. the cure.... in a bad radio. we shall not care .
i will never fall away, i will always want to show you how we can pray .
we havn't even got together, but i do .. know we could fly away and be . true / i wanna meet someone that show me . honesty . and i'll show them what inetnsity and love is all about , in alevel of surreality .
where the childrens are old ... and they still bring it on to the c.o.r.e. of their dreams . i want to dreams
dreams . in myself . i want someone to mirrored into my shYli. her dreams .
and make lifes turns into a real true sinema . where everything is right . and there is no ned of reality .
i will not let you fall down my friend. if for this one weekend you wanna be my. love...
i am an Altar boy .. for you to beleive ... this morning i cancelled in a stress release all of my gavernemnet is appointment ... i biked to my dearest friend lady pirate .. her name is shawnda.. she is another angel of ligt that holds inside the most complete of all colors you could dream you even had it in your eye s,.. .
this color is B.L.A.c.K..... and us... the pirates.. sometimes we twist our inner knife. inside our heart .. .like a play game .. only magicians can handle... but we twist the fine fine blade .. into our own ... infinite SELF.
we have trashed down .. boundaries in thhe world that you think you see eveydya ..
me .. me and my friends .... we sometimes ... when you are in bed ... trying to dreams .. .
we are dancing romantic tango .... with the moonlight .. standing straight in perfect luscious body motions...
on top of fences ..... with silver steel inter- twined.. like the wires they put so high to protect .. the mad man of cities ... no one will ever be able to even suck at our tinted toes.... my friend .. the lasy pirate.. the angelm that feeds me chocolate in the morning .. her toes are tinted red ... the color of passions..... sometimes our bodies are ... bruise... d .... and colored .. by sun light ... but .. we know tricks..... from the oldest ....... preachers .. the animals in land ... have been given us powers to .... touch our red tinted toed together... just .. to grow stronger then trains..... except we are magick dancers ... dancers on top of broken silver fences....
one of us is going to the sea.... to the ocean black ... where you see .... blue..... underneath ... so deep ...
the only colors that lives ..... for ever .. is B.L.A.C.K.....
i love you my friend......... and i will keep on ... stoping in morning fresh dew.... with chinesse. potion.
to warm up your blood ... so our hearts stays red .. and glorious... give me my sin . i'll take it again...
my name is marijo st-amour.. one they i'll find someone to call me my love... then my name
will also be . jami Y
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
8:38 AM
Saturday, May 27, 2006
alive in the city ...
morning , early as a bird , but my only problem here is i am none the less a vampire, a true gremlins , the kind you feed after midnight ... And i do .. feed my soul after the night sets asleep ....
i a wide awake , ..when friends are all over the city i wander ... wandering stars , they have been watching after me lately . i feel almost bless after winter ... a couple of days ago i had to write it .. on my skin , spomtanious , tattoo of the day .. the WINTER IS OVER ! .. i have had enough , i've seen enough .. i've tought it felt it , bleed it all over my world , reality have gone crazy .... i am finally on top oof that bridge , the one so high ...
now now ... w.o.r.d.s. for now ..
Sunlight, perfect day light , A day i had it al aplanned, but life is not the kind of play you weanna write , , people trying to write you future will be sucked by life's '' fade '' day .... Pale days and goes like the same re-shot of platonic exist away from me . Everyday i have stuff to dop . mission accompish. but i never refuse the unexpected .... the adventures and perfect places you secretly wanted to fall into ... they happens when you staty to see the details , and beleive me i am getting more then good at folllowing my instincts . i trust mainly the animal in me and i'm quite lucky the animal in me is wise enough .
Julia and i .. wel i did not respect our week away , how cold i of course she is irresistible . A friend i choose to love . ...... with such nobelty .
You know ... the starngest thing about me is that i don't remember the things i write to people,
i write to myself , and never remember . is it because i live so much in the now , or is it because my brain is so full that i don't remember the words my hands created the day before . i could feel sad and beleive that all the drugs i've ever taken ate the flesh in the back of my head . where dreams lays, but i refuse to beleive such things .... i am a dreamer and i;ll dye as a true fucking beleiver , ... i swear . toi gOd. i am the l.o.v.e.r..... and i wil make another confessions .
all morning i remember , all of last evening i also remember and as a further all i wanna remember . is that i dream about you . i want you to slow the futile , and fast way your eyes are moving . be my shyness into the nights. i want to softly , gently take your neck in between my hands like if it was crystal . ... and hold it lik ethe circus freaky boy holds in and take in through the shadow lights . at nights of those crystal balls . but i live in this world. none the less i am a fantasist . i wanna hols you until you bite the truth out of my wrist .. where it says breath under water , i wanna taste of your lips .. i want to ... tout doucement ma langue sur les velours de votre avant-cou . the softest spot under your chin ..
where the heart beats .. where my heart beats ... like i am gonn achoke if i dont reveal to you a fragments of what i hold inside ,,..... i breath high .. i wanna breath LOW ..... low with you .....
l.o.w. .. with you ..... we are gonna diner ... i am trying to stick my eyes like target focused on the screen ..... enough . i wanna see you .. i wanna spy on the sweetes details .. the ones i could possibly save for later .. for the times alone .... for the nights alone ......
letters written in the high up .. castle of St-Andre ..... you were here ..... .. . . i am not shy ....
suddendly i remember julia says so ......
Posted by
Marijo St-Amour
3:03 PM