Tuesday, June 03, 2008


i bought a pint of milk covered with the american flag, lovely . not. i have been craving Montreal's chocolate soy milk. although their ice cream is cheap and lovely. i won't stay forever, for the first time of my life i feel like i could stay more with my family. in between Montreal and there. but here i would need to start something new, my wandering have not pushed me so far into the writing i live for. even the people here have been welcoming more then certain old friends but that doesn't matter. i am a homeboy more then i appear. At least it never took me time to fuck off and go, i became more then good at it. my new obsession is to get my license and drive. but i have this new plan to go europe. why. since i know so far i cannot truly come back right away. what a plan. and i should do it now, since i refuse to move again in a stable house until it's with someone i like, a lot. i also fear another complete winter in this city , in this country basically. my body needs warmth. if what i have to do is get lost on an island i will. Al laugh in such a lovely about this way i have to follow my pulsion so fast. she works so much to pay rent, and i havn't been working in ages. but a certain man i adore is back and i dream more of working with him then staying in dear brooklyn. that's it for now, i started to dream like a maniac, it's one big joy i get from being sober. really.

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