Monday, November 27, 2006

icing purple room

i'm here, just by your side...if you would see the look in my eyes then you would know there is nothing scary with me. jami's watching you dream, and you told me the dreams you dive into should be sweeter. but lady i have to tell you none of us are strong enough to control the wishes of morphee. but as we care,i'll still be there when you wake up. i want to hold you, je t'attendrai, et comme la lune brillera, indochine is playing, low but i still fear it's too loud. i slept most of the day you were gone, the cats depressed and i, dreaming,i don't remember my sleep, myself... was i truly awake. am i alive just just now... all that matters is your sleep. and i lay conscience in silence. eyes open , i refuse to reflect only the lights so bright of the computer. i'd rather reflect the purple shadows are white in shines so slow just on the edge. you have darkskin and i also do. we come from a planet playground with giant orange structure to climb on. white sands we walk not. all we do is climb up the....
climb up higher on electrical wire . live forwards the day.

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