Monday, October 04, 2010

last night for a town i freely shall leave behind me.

east southern Montréal. old friends equals old habits. sinful time for old lady pirates and their Armani pantsy uncle daddy sponsoring a fine fine one last merry christmas story. music y perhaps a last diner for meat lover. the only moment you wish to erase or pass through faster then you can remember is the time you carry all bags, bicycles and your sleeping body through buses and custody. once you are past those lines your heartbeat comes back to waving slowly. bye bye to your old country. 30 something hours trapped in a greyhound is a fair price to welcome future history. a new beginning but you never truly get rid of your past old history. this one i carry inked on my body, the look in my eyes, the words i let go somehow way more easy once i am off the city. back to the road. i like my life in motion. takes speed in day life tapestry to carry my heart beat's fantasy.

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